Source: Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Source: Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Source: Umweltbundesamt
Source: Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)
Source: Umweltbundesamt
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Shares of electricity, heat and transport in energy consumption
The below graph (FNR) shows the shares opf different renewables in overall renewable electricty production:
Source: Umweltbundesamt
Source: Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

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Renewable Energies: The German Experience: The “Energiewende” in Germany is the most fundamental transition process since Germen Unification. It shows significant impact on the overall economy, landscape orinary citicens life and the energy sector itself. The “Energiewende” adresses  - and must do so in order to achieve significant impacts in climate protection - not only electricity production and consumption  (which is about 30% of overall energy consumption in Germany), but heating and transport. German Energy and Climate Policy is mainly focusing on the electricity sector. The Renewable Energy Act  (EEG) significantly increased the share of renewable electricity form 7 % in 2000 t an actual share of 32,5 % end 2015. Till 2025 the share of renewable electricity shall reach between  40 and 45 % ant till 2025 between 55 and 60 %. After electricity based on wind Bioenergy provides about 30 % of renewable electricity. Different from Wind and Solar Biomass can provide electricity either as base-load or peak load electricity. Biomethane can use the existing natural gas grid and can be transported to decentral CHPs nearby the place of usage. Although there is no other such renewable available the last adjustment of the Renewable Energy Act EEG-2014 will result in a standstill in the electricity production from biomass. From 2020 onwards existing biomass facilities will quit production. In Germany the “Energiewende” results in a fundamental change of the structure of energy production. In the past power plants were build close to the centers of electricity consumption. Nowadays production facilities are established in those regions with good conditions for that kind of renewable electricity production (e.g. Wind offshore, solar in the south). Private consumers cover the highest share in the costs. Consumer costs are estimates at 28 Billion Euro/a resulting in an increase of the annual electricity bill of the avearge household by about 270 Euro. A fundamental change inside the electricity sector is ongoing, resulting in a fast loss in significance of the large electricity companies (E.ON, RWE, ENBW, Vattenfall). More and more small producers substitute the large power plants. On a World-Wide level 2015 “was a signal year for renewable energy because, for the first time, investment in developing economies out-weighed investment in developed countries. Commitments by the developing world amounted to $155.9 billion, up 19% to a new record, while those by the developed world slipped 8% to $130.1 billion.” (Source: Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)
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